If They're Throwing Away Your Merch, You're Throwing Away Your Money

Let’s set the scene: you’re attending an event and you’re getting handed promotional products left and right. You look at it, thank the person who gave it to you, throw it in your bag, and repeat this cycle for the next few hours. When you leave the event, you go through all of the merch in your bag, and you keep what means something and throw away what doesn’t. By the time you’re done, your bag is completely empty and you’re just glad none of that stuff is going home with you.  Sound familiar? It does to us, too. Far too often, consumers are given branded merchandise that they don’t find meaningful and they throw it away. Which translates to: you’re throwing away your money by giving them this product. Whether it’s a result of cutting corners, trying to keep costs low, or attempting to reach too many people, there are ways to achieve whatever your goal may be, while creating purposeful branded merch that will make an impression.

Quality > Quantity

A high volume of items at a low cost doesn’t always equal success. If there is no value and no purpose to the item you’re giving away, there’s really no point in giving anything away at all. Consider this statistic: 83% of people can recall the brand of a promotional product they've received within the last two years. That statistic alone highlights the power of high-quality branded merchandise. Think about it—would you rather be remembered for a sleek, durable water bottle or a flimsy pen that runs out of ink within a week? Investing in quality items not only ensures longevity but also guarantees your brand stays top-of-mind for your customers.


Investing in the Recipient Experience

The experience of receiving a promotional product can be just as impactful as the product itself. A study by the Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI) found that 85% of people are likely to do business with a company after receiving a high-quality promotional item. This shows that a thoughtful, well-crafted piece of branded merchandise can turn a casual customer into a loyal advocate for your brand. Imagine the delight on a customer's face when they unbox a stylish, functional product that they can't wait to use. It's these moments of joy and surprise that create a lasting impression, making your brand memorable for all the right reasons.


If You're Speaking to Everyone, You're Talking to No One

In the world of promotional marketing, trying to reach everyone often leads to reaching no one. Targeted, meaningful merchandise can make a stronger impact than generic items aimed at a broad audience. For example, a tech company might give out high-quality earbuds or portable chargers, whereas a wellness brand might opt for branded yoga mats or essential oil diffusers. 79% of recipients said they would be more likely to do business with a company that provided them with a useful, relevant promotional item. Providing value to customers and giving them products they’ll actually use is always worth the investment, even if it is extra.


In the end, the message is clear: when it comes to promotional products, quality and relevance reign supreme. By investing in high-quality, thoughtful merchandise tailored to your audience, you not only enhance the recipient experience but also ensure that your brand stands out in a crowded market. Remember, it's not just about putting your logo on something—it's about creating meaningful connections and leaving a lasting impression. So go ahead, get creative, and make your promotional products something that your customers will love and remember.

Looking to start your own promotional materials campaign? Need help finding or designing the right products? You’re already in the right place.  Learn more about our process, or contact us today to get started on your next marketing move.  

